UAE guide - DUBAI , Dubai Guide - Human Trafficking Crime Control Center
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1- Victims of sexual exploitation: Sexual tourism and child prostitution.   • Exploiting children in obscene scenes and media shows.   Sexual servitude.   Forced marriage for the purpose of profiting. 2- Child victims of exploitation in the following dangerous jobs: • Exploitation in the promotion of narcotic drugs. • Exploitation in war and armed conflict "the recruitment of children". • Exploitation in the promotion and sale of weapons. • Exploitation to remove and remove mines. • Crushers, factories, sand, marble, crackers, glass, furnaces, and metals. • Work in radioactive materials and petrochemical materials. Trade, dyeing, cooling and snow. • Slaughter, dissection and loading of animals. • Races that put the child at risk of injury and fall in order to profit from it. Irrigation and agricultural work that exceeds its capacity and deprives it of educational opportunities. • Working in cabarets. • Work in places that pose a risk to child health, such as welding - and repair of crane machines. • Construction and paving of roads. • Working in a carpentry that uses sharp tools. 3- Victims of exploitation in begging actions. 4- Illegal adoption. Second: Women: Victims of forced marriage. Victims of forced abortion as a result of exploitation - or the use of fetuses in scientific research. • Victims of abuse of power and exploitation of vulnerability "managers - employers". • Exploiting women to work in dangerous places such as "nightclubs and clubs." • Victims of pornography exploitation "sexual images and movies". • Victims of commercial exploitation "advertising". • Women victims of exploitation in engaging in immoral or unlawful acts As a result of the threat of death or physical or moral harm. Victims of war and armed conflict. Third: Domestic workers and the like: The maid who was sexually harassed or raped. • Servants who are forced to perform jobs that exceed their capacities or assign them to jobs that are not contracted for And in violation of their terms of service. • Servants who have been deprived of the remuneration stipulated in the contracts concluded with them. • Servants victims of fraud and fraud from recruitment and recruitment agencies and employment offices. • Victims of physical violence "physical and psychological abuse". Fourth: Victims of organ removal: ◦ Persons victims of human organ removal Article 9 and 12 of Law No. 21 of 1997 regulating the transportation and transplantation of human organs. Fifth: Workers victims: Workers who are exploited as a result of being recruited by fictitious companies. • Workers who are victims of selling visas. • Workers who are victims of forced labor "forced or unpaid work." Sixth: Cybercrime victims: Victims who are exploited using modern electronic means such as the Internet, mobile phones, and others.