HEXXION Google Map

Downtown Dubai, Downtown, Dubai

The future isn’t built by dreamers. It’s built today, by doers. It’s crafted by people who live on the edge of cultural trends and understand where things are heading. Hexxion is investing in projects at the intersection of digital assets, technology and banking as well as digital consumer and fashion start ups. At Hexxion we believe tomorrow is built today. Our mission is to partner early with visionary founders to build enduring technology companies and support them by bringing to bear Hexxion‘s scale, resources and capital. We value different perspectives, which means working with people of all ages from various parts of the world, educational and professional backgrounds, and upbringings. We have a global reach, with a presence and access to resources in Dubai, New York, Paris, Sydney and Colombo. Our broad footprint enables our portfolio companies to better understand growth opportunities and expand internationally.

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